Runway Ready Follow Up

Every dog has its day and today just may be your dog’s day as in the words of fashion icon, Coco Chanel ‘everyday is a fashion show and the world is the runway’.

 Though your dog may walk the runway streets dressed to the nines and befitting a Vogue magazine center spread it does not mean your dog is ready to walk beside the likes of Grace Mahary, Elisabeth Erm,  or Mijo Mihaljcic. It takes a special type of dog to walk along side or be carried down the runway with a human fashion model.  Dog models must be of even temperament – even if their human runway counterparts may not be. A good dog model is socialized with people and other pets frequently by its owner, thoroughly enjoying the company of others. A great dog model can take a lot in stride, loud music, the hustle and bustle backstage, bright lights, enjoy wearing pet fashions, being passed from unknown person to unknown person. A perfect dog model never bites the hand that feeds it…or models with it.

So how do you get your dog runway ready?  Socialization is the key. Introducing your dog from the time it is a pup to other dogs, humans, events, and being in crowds is one of the most important things. Training of basic commands is equally important. At the very least your pet should be able to sit, lie down, stay, heel, and leave it on command by any person. Puppy school will work wonders on your pup’s early socialization and the learning of basic commands. Daily dressing of your dog in pet apparel and/or accessories is also important. Try always using a simple Velcro type harness apparel item when teaching them to walk on the lead is one way of letting them get use to the sound of Velcro being pulled apart.  Once they are use to a basic apparel type walking harness, generally referred to as a vest, try interchanging what they wear when out and about. Whenever possible alternate between a harness dress with a flowing type skirt and a heavier gown length item.

 Teaching them early to pose for pictures is also a necessity for the perfect pet fashion runway model, and even more so for the still shot product pet model. Tips for perfecting the best poses for maximum product exposure during a fashion shoot will be discussed in an upcoming article.
Becoming a pet fashion runway model is not a difficult thing, becoming a great pet fashion runway model takes the hard work and commitment from the pet owner.

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